We are very excited to introduce our newly designed and field tested Golf Ball Deflection Screens. Our custom built golf ball protection screens are designed with the strongest, most durable frame material and Super Screen or Super Nano 55 Screen that still gives you a great view through your window and can withstand a force of 250 to 339 psi.
Our new product has been field tested by the VCU Golf Coach who is also a professional golfer. He drove golf balls straight at the screens, traveling over 145mph at a distance of 30 and 50 feet. The screen withstood the force and did not break. It also deflected the balls as it was designed to do. Most homes on a fairway do not have golf balls driven directly at their windows. The balls are usually traveling at a much lower velocity as they are on their way down yet they will break a window even at a much, much lower velocity than 145mph.
Our Golf Ball Deflection Screens are designed to deflect the golf balls and better ensure your windows stay in tact/unbroken. However, keep in mind that we cannot guarantee that your windows will never be broken as there is always a possibility of this happening that is beyond our control. We cannot be held liable for broken windows. Apart from covering your windows with wood or sheet metal, this is the best alternative that still gives you a view out of your window while protecting them. We also do not recommend plexiglass as this will still break and the ball can still break the window -- we have seen this on a house where the homeowner tried this approach to have a nice view and protect her window glass at the same time but failed to do so.
Our golf ball deflection screen systems must be built right on site. Each of the screens are specific to each window. Therefore we cannot build and ship these out of town/out of state.
See below for the pictures and videos of our field test!
See our Pricing page for more information.